Full cycle of application development - Full Stack
Our Team is experienced, highly motivated, and fast-adapting developers and Full Stack developers.
Architecture Design
We are using a modern method of building software architecture – to find the essence of the system, leaving detailed design for later. First, we start with a preliminary study with our experts in business analysis and UX. Then we analyze the information collected during the preliminary research to understand the subject area. We analyze the main characters and basic workflows of the system and build a redesigned system schema.
One of the main goals of the updated system is stability. Using a modern approach, we use microservices architecture, cloud services, container technologies, and orchestration, as well as DevOps.
Our Full Stack Services

Using Angular we can make application architecture simpler and more flexible: clear data flow, minimal code cohesion, ease of testing or replacing dependencies.

React JS
We use the power of React JS to create efficient and flexible user interfaces and single page applications.

We create desktop applications on Electron with a focus on UI / UX design and data security.

Our team uses VueJS framework for front end & JavaScript user interfaces and single-page applications development

Mobile Apps
Mobile applications have long been the mainstream for remote customer service and service delivery. They actively complement full-featured web applications in many categories.

If you need to achieve maximum performance from an iOS application, then only native development is suitable for you with Swift.

If we need to make an Android application as compact as possible for specialized devices, native development in Java help us to reduce it significantly.

The advantage of cross-platform is speed of development (one application per two platforms) and project cost.

NodeJS from our point of view is best suited for a real-time server application. The synchronization process with NodeJS is fast and orderly, as events drive the architecture that serves both the client and server-side.

NestJS is not only a backend framework, but also an opportunity to enter the world of advanced concepts such as DDD, Event sourcing and microservice architecture.

Priority is given to serverless services as Lambda so we can increase flexibility across the entire application stack.

Google Cloud
Cloud AutoML enables us to train high-quality models specific to your business needs.

Integration with API of internal / external services. Writing unit tests, optimizing and refactoring an existing software.

We create Java applications using a dependency injection container, with several layers: database access, proxy, aspect-oriented programming, RPC, MVC architecture.

Handling various functions on the server side such as collecting form data, managing files on the server, modifying databases using with WordPress.

Thanks to our experience, we know that the ability to independently edit a site plays an important role in its creation.
Some Of Our Projects
Cloud-based automation system for managing your business

There is a technical and economic need to create unified multifunctional applications. This is because they can not only provide the user with one interface window but also efficiently store and process information. For this, a complex that has the functions of both a CRM system and an ERP system that provides end-to-end automation is best suited for the rest.
- Customer relationship management
- Marketing and sales
- Personal and collective planning
- Storing the customer base
- Sales funnel
- Business process management
- Assortment management
- Analytics and statistics
- Working with requests and orders
- Automation of document flow formation of signing contracts and documents
- Personnel management
- Help Desk
On-Line Academy
We are witnessing the world changing dynamically right before our eyes. New technologies are developing at the intersection of related industries. Whole supplementary branches of knowledge and technologies are developing rapidly, adapting to the requirements of the market. What previously took decades, today takes only a few years, and this process is accelerating.
This requires constant training of newly qualified specialists.
It is not uncommon for university graduates to immediately enroll in further education courses, where an experienced specialist helps to improve the student’s qualifications. They may also change the course of their career several times and train for a new specialty.
Because of the realities, educational institutions can provide real-time classes, which allow students to learn from pre-recorded lectures and perform tasks associated with them.

- Student management
- Training courses and materials management
- Drawing up a curriculum
- Online lessons
- Testing system
- Help Desk
- In charge of internships and student projects
- Search for potential employers and employment of students
Implementing Machine Learning technologies in the automation of the educational process
Typically, teachers spend a lot of time checking and grading homework and exams and giving feedback to their students.
Machine Learning is capable of assisting and sometimes even performing many of the basic routine functions of the learning process.
Website development to maximize your business's growth

CMS is a program designed to administer such workflows as filling with content, editing content, storing data, and managing the workflows of an Internet resource. The speed of displaying pages, the ease of use of the interface and correct display, and the functioning of all components of the site depend on it. Our developers have optimized the CMS to meet all modern requirements to improve the quality of the sites.
Your staff will create product pages themselves without resorting to the services of programmers.
Responsive web design – More and more users are using various gadgets with Internet access for shopping and searching for information – smartphones, tablets, and laptops of various screen widths. For users not to have to enlarge certain elements of the site, which is extremely inconvenient, it is necessary to adapt your site to any type of screen.
Promoting your website – We use methods of Internet marketing such as SEO tools, retargeting, social network promotion, mailing service, and our expertise to promote your website.
Increasing the interest of potential customers – We help you become an expert in your chosen field, make video reviews, and fill the site with interesting articles.
Feedback in real time – the use of online consultants on the site. It is an affordable service with high-performance indicators.
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